Management Training Followed by 1:1 Digital Coaching for Managers in the Real Estate Sector

CoachBase June 20, 2024

Context & Objectives:

The client, a prominent player in the real estate sector in Asia Pacific, identified a need to enhance the leadership capabilities of its country managers spread across 9 countries. The primary objectives were to equip managers with essential soft skills, improve team management, and enhance stakeholder management and performance conversations. The goal was to drive better team performance, improve managerial effectiveness, and ensure that managers could handle their roles with greater confidence and competence.



1/ Group Training for Managers: “Manager Leadership Program”

The program began with a one-day group learning session conducted online. This session was facilitated by experienced ICF-certified Coach Trainers and Group Coach Facilitators. It was designed to be content-driven, utilizing a group coaching methodology to boost skills acquisition, facilitate awareness, and encourage behavioral shifts.

Focus Areas:

  • Essential Soft Skills for Managers: Developing interpersonal skills to improve communication and collaboration.
  • Effective Team Management: Strategies for leading and motivating teams to achieve high performance.
  • Stakeholder Management: Techniques for managing relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Conducting Performance Conversations with a Coaching Approach: Training managers to handle performance discussions constructively and supportively.

2/ One-to-One Leadership Coaching

Following the group training, managers participated in personalized one-on-one online coaching sessions. These sessions were tailored to individual needs, recommended for a minimum period of three months. The coaching was conducted by a diverse group of senior coaches, all experienced in working with managers of similar seniority in multinational settings.

The approach was flexible and non-directive, allowing each session to be tailored to the manager's specific challenges while effectively addressing the topics covered during the group training. This method aimed to consolidate learning from the training, ensure its practical application, and provide ongoing support for individual challenges.



Enhanced Managerial Skills:

The program led to significant improvements in managers' soft skills, team management, and stakeholder management abilities. Managers reported feeling more confident in their roles and better equipped to handle their responsibilities.

Improved Team Performance:

Managers' improved skills translated into better team performance. Teams became more cohesive and motivated, leading to increased productivity and morale.

Effective Performance Conversations:

Managers were able to conduct performance conversations more effectively, using a coaching approach that facilitated constructive feedback and development discussions.

Sustained Behavioral Change:

The combination of group training and individual coaching ensured that managers not only learned new skills but also applied them in their daily work. The follow-up coaching sessions helped to reinforce these skills and support managers in overcoming specific challenges.


Overall, the Management Training and 1:1 Digital Coaching program successfully met its objectives, delivering sustainable improvements in managerial effectiveness and team performance. The structured yet flexible approach, facilitated by experienced coaches, proved highly effective in addressing the client's needs and driving organizational growth.



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