Executive Coaching, Career Growth & Transition, Life & Fulfilment
Known for
Life Balance, Strategy, Presence, Stress, Vision
Spoken Languages
English, Japanese, Turkish
Full Bio
* 20 years of successful corporate leadership experience at global multi-billion dollar organizations, mainly in Sales, Business Development and Strategic Operation roles.
* Founder and currently Executive Director at 501c(3) Non-Profit ‘ABC Society’ with the mission to extend high quality coaching services at a sustainable level to underserved communities. (www.abcsociety.com)
* Worked and lived in several countries, leading global projects with small and large scale teams.
* 10+ years of internal and external coaching experience, from Senior Management to Executive level.
* Master Certified Coach (MCC) from International Coach Federation (ICF)
* Certified Coach Mentor and Coach Educator
* Certified for Myers-Briggs Assessment (Coach`s Myers-Briggs Preferred Type is INFP).
* Published author at International Coaching Magazine 'CHOICE'
* Speaks several languages including Turkish, Japanese, Spanish and French.
USD / hour
Trainee Coach
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